Snap. Crackle. Pop.
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Seen and read
More links for Will Yeung to steal (don't think I didn't see that Will Ferrell posting on your blog):

When I was in Vegas, it was the talk of the town...never-ending Siegfriend and Roy horror

Lives in Ruxton...went to Gilman...loves basketball with a passion...speaks Mandarin. I guarantee there are two people in this world who fit that description. You're reading the words of one; here are some more words about the other.

A friend of mine was hating on DC/extolling NYC the other day. While I freely admit that DC has 1)poorer public transportation 2)fewer activities and 3)far less people, NY's not without its own warts. The smell alone sometimes...

I know people now who make this article real for me. I also think the writer, while amusing, is a little too self-interested for his own good. Should dating really be this much work?

There's a right way to see the world--by foot.

To me, the politics of basketball announcers are far more interesting than those of other sportscasters. A good NY Times article this summer focused on the wooing of Doug Collins by both ABC and TNT; TNT of course won out. Here's an update on why TNT is so much better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Two things that got me thinking about "credit" and how much is due...
An interesting--and in my opinion, very informed through hindsight--article that argues Al Qaeda and Bin Laden have been tremendously successful at accomplishing their 'real' endgame. While I think Brendan's points benefit from conspiracy theories, he's right in that the fallout in the middle east was quite predictable. But what if the U.S. had stopped at Afghanistan? The world would still be relatively behind us; the move into Iraq is what sparked controversy.

Also, a story from the Sun about a guy who earned a D in high school chemistry, proceeded to drop out...and thirty-five years later win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. A Hopkins researcher, Dr. Agre has very humbly accepted his award, freely praising colleagues, teachers, and friends who supported him and his work. However, Dr. Agre was at one point a clinical fellow under my dad in Cleveland..and from what I hear, not the best of physicians. I wouldn't say Agre's former intern, Dr. Diamond, was a huge factor in the Nobel...but he was pretty big in getting him out of practicing medicine and back in the lab.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Down to the Fab Four...

c/o LA Times
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Mark your calendars
Before watching the train wreck that Tuesday's California election promises to be, you might want to take a look at the list of candidates...who knows, even after all the hoopla, you might still be surprised by who's running. And if you're a real recall junkie, waste some time seeing how your answers match up with the top candidates.

Random seen and heard on a gray Saturday afternoon:

Koko looks how I feel. Good luck at camp--how fitting that Ugonna's playing in Europe while "West Coast Flava" heads to Hawaii with the Lakers.
Something that's really flown under the radar in the conventional media...well, it was on the front page of the Washington Post months ago...but other than that, haven't heard much. Kind of surprised no one'sbatted an eye...if the US had rebuilt Germany with the help of the Gestapo, I feel like it would've been a bigger issue.

FHM, the Lisa Guerrero flap...does everyone hate Stuart Scott? (Besides Jake, who hates pretty much everyone anyway). Apparently two out of every three of visitors to this website do. Also, the story behind the tortoise-shells he's been rocking if you missed it.

I got maybe 2 solid weeks out of Madden 2004 before I left it to my brothers...Madden and Live 2003 started picking up dust months ago. Despite the complete lack of ROI, I can't help but get Jazzed (or more appropriately, get the wallet out) when I see this--click on hi-res if you can.

Of course, the ROI for Will Ferrell is tremendous--unfortunately for us he hasn't done much lately.
Back in the spring, though, the funny man spoke at Harvard's commencement...I'm telling you, the Harvard kids know what's up. We get Desmond Tutu and Jim Lehrer, they get Conan and Ferrell--who's the real "party school?" Hit up this website for the video of Will Ferrell's commencement speech (click on class day, then skip to about one-and-a-half hours in) or just read the funny transcript here.


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